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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


"This is?"

"I am telling you, I spending more time with this birds shouting every good morning - before the sun rise, not the sun rays hits that water tower, you cannot see on the video. My bathroom every facet or something the toilet, or the tissue paper to fill up before or after the period. I have to record for myself, but these things you saying running down one stair, and jumping outside the balcony, back and forth. I change the sheet often now, have you heard?"

"I am on my chair, but just how many round, including getting the ice cream, that side of the kitchen windows, the birds cannot shut up, with the clouds in the sky. My life officially known yesterday all over the universe, how miserable I every day living in one, Every SINGLE DAY per second this I hate that life, never end if I don't jumping up or down of the bed. That bed its 3 people on it, or something he is with the comforter in the middle, no one else requires to sleep. I mean me."

"Did you see the otter yesterday?"


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