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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


The cell

The cell inside are organel, meaning in the side of what they tell you or indicate to you the per cellular ....the cell inside has a nucleus, outside the nucleus. All this in English has a name and a fuction.

On the right side column (this is where the blog all your inform at, below the profile cell )

This size of the cell wall is the beginning of the cell stem in the plant kingdom how you using the salt for the osmosis concept. You never touch enough this salted water + the veggie soaking in a period of time with your finger touching it, how you will be chewing this, while steam or cooked, or stir fried.

In this session of the internal cell structure, other than when you say "the cellular" that cell to cell has this blood stream, the very reason how the blood transports system its the oxygen and the nutrition, the water doesn't just leak at your vein to your cells, that is what that really means. And all this bio-feed back system or the heromone to this liver trigger the brain or everywhere else, you must have the CNS goes with it. 

In other words, while we really really boiling it down anything between the cell nucleus and the cell membrane wall, you really just staring at the size, and the imagination of everything else

1. The viral infection

2. The baceteria invasion

3. The parasite its outside in the blood stream.


The idea of the Cell size

Here  (4:12)

TV: W Two Worlds, here.

(Finding true love First Degree murder)

When you saying the finger tip (the practical idea in life)

The ancestry of your last name.

Here  (3:40)

The practical aspect of your memorization in this per degree thing...the elimination on the women's side has the period pad and the day time you go to work pads? The expense. 

  1. Meat
  2. Plant
  3. Rock, pebble, sand

Really, what is inside your body at the very earlier chapter on that physiology.

Do they skip that part of the textbook or the exams all together, anyway? 


I have 6 mins before 9 oclock here, the priest prayers -  Post period time of the COVID 19 continue....

The intake of the hydration, the water statues

The cellular fluid, everything is suspending inside that one single cell. You have the organel function. Again, what is the bio dogma.


The food intakes, the water statue, the stretching or the breathing

Your nose is an empty space like your ear, you didn't see liquid coming out of it.


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