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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


The birds

They have to talk !!!


今天早上我在講方方的人生直到她奶奶死了  This morning I talking that she her life up to when her grand mom die.

我並不知道人畢業之後待在這一樣的城市,因為怡君去的南部工作,方方像沒有方向的無業遊民大概  I don't really know if people after graduation staying in the same city, because Irene gone to South with a job, Square didn't have a real job roaming around like a "no employment homeless" roughly in Chinese says.


One day her grand mom died, a swallow turning into a pheonix, and dressing like a devil to looking for a job's movie.

這帝君一直叫我不要跟他們家長講,真的很煩~這個女的軍人,我床上只能躺直的,她們不講話這外面小鳥不停講,我每天都不用睡覺 ! 可不可以叫她們出去 ~這女的不再右邊,下面的惡魔就會來~如果她在帝君上面,就是倆的碰到 ~我需要睡覺,這惡魔還是上來 ! 真的很噁心 !!!

This white hair 3310 next to Square name = 帝君

keep saying don't tell their parents, this is annoying ~ this women military, my bed is only straight, they don't talk, the birds talk, everyday I don't need to sleep, can you tell them to get out of my side, this women on the right, the devil from below will come up, ~ if she is on the top of the 帝君,its 2 people touching~ I need to sleep, this Devil will coming out ! This is disgusting ~~~~

我是在跟她們每一天說 !!!

 I am talking to them every single day !!!!

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