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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


None of you have a character....

The face card imagination these...Black Ops, Space Program, NASA.

You have a normal brain, a normal body, but....

Here. (3:22)

In every sphere of life, sorry, even in science we have the protocol procedure, so that public media has the laws, or the military protocol ....Chapter or the Sections, or the Articles.

You want to pursue something with the Judge local to the Supreme Court, or upon you entering the Washington D.C, the outskirt guest house. I can tell you not I am very sure you all ending up there.

Sorry, I don't think we understand the last paragraph, tell me why there is a local district judge, and why you are doing what thing, to....? Ending up in the Washington D.C? 

No, explain to me per words of the last 2 paragraph.

You need to literally write it out and say it out loud, or saying it with a clear English sentence, what did I want to hear in my last 2 paragraph I highlight and say....

Really, clearly in that brain of your activist, if you were all saying how to use that Michael Vartan, now I can see what's going on with that TV. 

You mean I playing a drama fool with Vartan? My birds were choosing the side between Ronan or him, why do I think he won? So I told him that, not anything in that Alias, let that my imagination be so important, they hang themselves to die with the sun heat! 


Here (5:31)

Your injustice feeling hurt part ...


Here  (4:54)

The medical board is not on purpose hurting me ...

|        BTX  (4:26)      |          High Tech ( 6:03  )          |                

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