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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


No, all your cooking skills if you staying on a fix salary but moving around by the jobs.

You yourself, or you with another guy to keep both the jobs.

The hydration statue. That Asian Chinese story needles mushroom ....you cut the base the whole chulk away, and in the base of all that break them inside the water rinse and shake it about 5 times, dump the entire bucket water; then you put the salt in there for the next 20 mins, and rinse that another 5 times, keep shaking that entire inside mushroom, squeeze, or just keep moving....that entire things, and dump the water.

But the Western human never eats those Chinese things, never bother to go near that UB Asian store?!

I only really really care my washing per procedure, you cannot move or change out of me. 

  • Everyone has a little bit different diet, but your hydration is not just the American dollar store instant noodle, the chicken cup soup?
  • Chinese recipe has the recipe, the clear soup, not those tomato paste.
  • The guy if they need that, I cook them, not I like them.
  • The clear soup needs to coming out of he real recipe requires at least 20-30 mins stew, it means you have to spend time inside the kitchen, and that one giant Chinese white radish, very big, and you almost the full long white radish for 2 days drinking if you and the guy taken only 1 bowl? You sure he only drinks one small tiny bowl, so that pot has to be GIANT!!!
  • In the United State, they have kale, needs to be washed and salted
  • In the United States, they have the brocolli, same
  • In the United States, the carrots are common, the Chinese recipe will have this red or white Chinese version raddish. You know how to shred the skin, not peeling on your hands skins.
  • With the Vietanese, they have the pho, those have the Chinese star spice 八角、丁香、 Cinnomon spice.
  • With the soup, there is a Jewish recipe on the carrots, its the brown sugar and the cinnamon spice. - Taiwan the ugly Rice Cooker, it stew by itself the whole morning, because I wake up at 4 oclock in the morning. 
  • If you after that leaving the 1 box eggs, its cooked the 8 eggs to peel so you have the maple syrup grade B + this facebook last time everyone had that recipe. To marinate til next day NOT the Taiwan Tea Leaf eggs. But the similar idea. I think its one of those Mexican worker's recipe on the facebook. 
  • When you stew a soup for 20-30 mins, meaning you cover that continue after the fire shut off, that is the whole morning from 5 to 12 oclock in the noon time. How long that soup pot there? 
  • For the cooking lesson, you need to stand there for a couple hours to learn that footwear, not the pajamas. 

You all have a brother, a sibling. My sister has 2 kids, and cousins side has the boys and the girls, they will never grow up !!!!! Or your uncle or the aunt you so cared about those things.

One taste, one soup, one warmth things inside the stomach.

One correct white rice, washed, and cooked perfect.

The tempa, because that is the vegan version in the United States organic store. That handling its very plain but some guys can just eat some of the very simple oil+sugar+tiny soy sauce to make a heated sauce, you put some red chilly washed chopped, what you put that sauce there for 1 hours, its VERY SPICY!!!! 

You starting at 5 oclock, if 4 oclock I cannot really get up !!!!

The House Party

I don't know one human being....really. Just stand at the kitchen counter like that Ryoya Takashima?  I don't really care to social, for some reasons. My kitchen pot is where I will always be. But, when you are inside the kitchen, you can keep turning your footware, the foot works. Not inept. Washing, cleaning, keep boiling some of the pasta packages 450 grams is 4 serving for one box standard in the United States. The house party, you getting those a very big giant group meal pot, you boiling the pasta its to put some oil near by not to stick.

I am telling you: This one procedure so bothering you, really. I know my soul, my heart, my mind. I can trust you with my eyes close.

  • American doesn't really eat the shredded carrots. That is Steve Jobs eats that. 
  • The Sushi has to be a marinated carrots. I never down that but there is a recipe online. I eat avocado and kale, a very small Amazon rice cooker. Taiwan was forgotten of my past, I told you that. 
  • The United States supposes in California has the Korean store that has those long yellow raddish marinated. For the sushi wrapping + the avocado + shredded carrots + mayo + white normal rice. The correct sushi rice is very very expensive. Any Asia rice is fine.

You talking a smaller meal, not the entire group meal you cooking them.

The egg + the potato salad + mayo

The kale has the stem, or the brocolli, peeling knife jobs, at the base, cut the base ending, and the skin parts? You boil them, and added in. 

This session, you have to boiling the eggs and the potato.

The extra peeling eggs, can be a cut knife job, slice so many thinner slice, display next by the white rice, some other salad, or the potato salad too, some chips, some mayo. A very quick meal + shredded carrots.

The potato is the fried samosa or what is the potato things they are eating, I don't. 

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