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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


電影: 刺客密令 ( Movie: Protege 2021 )

This guy !!! At the party scene. oh ~ the wiki film selection. 

Do you know UN when I grew up there was a black guy when Biden was young? Ronan will be teens. Nelson Mandela. 

This actor is 72 years old. They are all very old people. 

Some people’s’ faces is not symmetry, did I say that? 你們知道有些人的臉不是對稱(公主小妹的那個中山女中)是模特兒打廣告的!

The youngest Princess the face is not in symmetry, the only symmetry Conan Detective it’s bombing at Japan TTC !! Your face be not symmetry then Anna pretend name like SMCH told you 2014…and the short hair like that…

就是你們只要臉不是對稱剪成那種頭髮,化名跟清海無上師一樣2014 說的 Anna


8.7 millions their earning !!

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