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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Movie North Sea ending, now the Beauty and the Beast

Oil and the money, the ocean pays for it. My operating system does not generate the Chinese, so I have shut down the browser and re-start the computer I think. I hate it. The movie doesn't wait....

Sometimes as a girl, because its the first time away from the parents, you built up a finance world or that career path carefully. You know what that means as a girl, no one in this world can help you. No one. - meaning not jealous or gamble or including some of your temperament will tell me what the American business sector guys or the girls, or the European temperament without me this background = your background, the rural girls, about what they make off. 

The necklace they wear or the ABC family they associate. You don't know what you define as the human character, you finding an excuse you cannot adjust anything than those warming welcome of the rural, those are false. 

So go back to the first sentence here, as a girl me I will be care, and these 2 girls near by what husband did what inside both of their parents life or the kids life. One property, 2 property such as you dreamy if anyone else starting from nothing, they thought about, taught about, and accumulate about. The ideal guy is not your compete and compared?

What is this Ideal guy at your own local you wish to find? He eats the way he wants at the dining table, really? You accept that? What is the thing he eats. 

            They were the one used to be in whom's facebook, or what else the facebook it means so much in life, what things means so much in life at that moment?                 

I am talking about if I were you. Your own very life, you are not careful to one house, one property, one looking after other people inside the zone. You meant it everyone screw up for your one too awful love life.

Often, people don't listen to me one word.

Not to stare at anyone, to go and get jealous. Compete and compared. Things to sort in front of your eyes, you just keep that inside your head space, why is that person's life has anything anything anything to do with you? Seriously, you believe that, or you keep telling yourself that? 

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