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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


MB human-celestial (and 帝君 ) | Movie: The Leisure Class is on (OU language, MK Vertical Black World that side, $$$$$$$$)

"I would like to bring everyone to accolades that we have some of this festivity going on."

"In the new fresh blood(y) of the occasion, we often thinking that the life ephemeral to the ever lasting wedding saying on Earth is the hotel venue (bribing) methods to success. And therefore for some of those tolerance, I do not agree, rather I am very much disagree against it. All that wedding crashing at the site is very often for one way the other, everyone lies to each other from the beginning of the two side, or the both side, and therefore all that youth and the beautiful, all that chance you have to devote it to me, that is to enter the competition of the Metropolitan system HERE.

I am often thinking that if we are doing without doing, thinking without thinking, acting withoiut the selfless motive and all that added together to make a one perfect parentshood or the child care in the day care, I am actually strongly oppose of all that. The life is meant to be fun, and that is where our world situate the surrounding that the big sum of the money and the wealth, people often question the morality are being discuss but the social welfare will probably will never be our world to your world, your degree of ignorance of the poverty is so below the average of anything anyone can ever imagined if you fallen out of the line and square so soon at the age of 35, or rather 12 years old. All those stirring up the momify love image how the TV portrait you or your co-ed students to met each other on the road stirs up that passion of the heart never cease the phone calls or the screaming why someone does all that to you, and forgotton, I am so dead Eon ago were born, and let that along........."

(on and on and on and on ....)

Anna I re-write: 

We have some rejoice moment to come here celebrate and to pray for the new joyful events that took place between the 2 people or the 2 couples in this mansion methods of getting married. Rather in my own life philosophy to do with the family as the head household both in Heaven and on my own sphere of physical universes, the idea of putting the 2 young couples together, as you might have imagine my own age, is forever long. Its not the envy or the jealous heart to spell the sympathetic reason as the Ageless old, meaning on your own planets itself or rather also including my world surveillance all around that district of the urban planning were not to house all that, as you can see inside the movie. There is a plan, and there is a planning. I didn't mean you all taken a detour in your mentality to lesson this temporary life term to the ever lasting, and each when you place upon your faith and methods to pray including to let me know that hotel venue invitation and those measurement of succes is based upon the degree how you trust (bribe) each other through the financial means, including to me. You may not think I like your appearance or your world literacy to say the lover aspect so God is jealous upon all that you hurting yourself without the bribe. Some people live as the master of the head household and all that quiet moment of the passive, rather to say must be actively seeing the beauty how crashing the car, not crashing the beauty at the wedding site is often like a rumor or heard tale if not on the TV. To that you use your precious face skin time to me, to dedicate to me, on me might just be so much safer idea where your parents thinking where you ought to be all the time. We have a system and I have a method to this you all pamp that your parents agree or I ever be the both side spectrum, where is the safe, where is the freedom will, where is the delicate to your own very life hygenic to strife that beauty and intelligent in the name of love with the guys, and may that you understand the metropolitan system, is here, if you make me believe, that makes me.

In the religious idea how one acting forward something, we thinking about someone, or doing without consciously forwarding or thinking without the thinking, those selfless motive and all that add up the controversial inside your mind boggling to the child to bring to the day care with the dog included, its not a life you saying a fast pace makes the guy, or makes me believe. The life meant to you has too many definition, and it will not be my own life in my head inside me to tell you from this Ageless idea seeing the experience in life, not just the Earthly were so short in the money or the lifespan or the disease or unhappiness through the gays contracts, when the money and the wealth to people question the mortality or morality other than the social welfare, that often never gonna be us to you, meaning your world. Your occupation, sorry, occupying that thought process to the poverty line is very low, not just average. Because you plan on dying on everyone else, or you cannot seek a method out not even your life, or everyone's you imagine to demand on you as a life, it will NEVER FOREVER be me life, eternal. I got that. You lost your education paper thin on your face not just inside your brain, all that wavey wavelength of your brain hurting me, and that age line is 35, 19, to truche 12 whenever the years old to record behind. All these stirring up your mind and soul to play the games and in the love idea, you say that is the passion and you say that the heart never stop and needed that phone or the text message makes you waiting a whole day, me one message or they eternal....you know if you screaming at my faces or the statue or the photo, why someone does all this to say to you, and be forgotten you are so busy doing everything else in another week, another month, another 5 years down. I am living a memory to that Ageless or Deathless guru be spell ....I would have to say to you .....to go to hell straight might be faster to get there, really honey. 


"I have something to add to that...

In the light of the recent event, I am very heart taken of my own very position all this tragedy has indeed happened in the relatively news to whether that your hygienic statues was bombardly lousy or how shall that say on your Earthly language, its filthy dirty. (bribe) and all that can be fix if you open your heart to that dialogue when she is not around, for next next millennium if you would (bribe)... "

(on and on and on....)

In the light of the current time and the event took place here, I am very heart taken to my position all this tragedy has indeed happened in the news and that degree of the post effective method be found in your hygienic statues is a hopeful we wish you well, and that in your Earthly language, its other than filthy dirt on your nose. The dialogue to bridge us, or the consistence communication through us, by pass us, and get around us. Its that after time to after her, to after another millennium, not just the movie ....

I cannot see I am in my room.

The economic theory: the leisure class.

MK in OU language second part Vertical first initial is near the Black World, such as the governmental conspiracy theory. It might be already gone.

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