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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Last time, Hailey lost a certain thing I say because she is the way she is.

This time, you all freedom will to....these material has only one function only. You had no background to enter any classify world. Inside the classify world also hostile too just like all of you.

All the leadership is not like any of you.

When Bill Gates says in 2014 that time, Warren Buffet with a kid on the ice cream. I didn't tell Mr. Gates I imagine his mansion more like rectangle similar to the comic book from the Top view. I saw almost identical to Barbra Streisand or this would be like Viceroy.

He says he hangs the arts on the wall, somewhere or I seeing that. 

That time I talk a lot different, because every image I cannot say it or touch to draw it. 

Anita is one of them. 

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