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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


It has been as long as I can remember I am in this same jobs, really....it feels like forever already, not I am exaggerating.

It doesn't look to you 10 years means, it was a very long time a lot of things going through "the vacuum". I organize a lot of the file for them. I am the one telling them the position of every sorts.

Is the missionary a normal thing in here culture?

To us? The capital culture? No. Its like ...Amish to us. They come from San Francisco. The here activities will be the political, you go and riot like Square or Dean, except that is 2 worlds apart people, no language communication. 

But I becoming a vaccum before I knew anything about these two 蔣萬安 or 吳怡儂 my upper age bracket looks like Eben Pagan. Its ....not possible. I becoming the vacuum when they were where, its 10 years ago, you cannot take this 10 years vanish, so I was thinking I probably always staying in the vacuum, didn't think anything anymore. 

The movie where Tom Hank rush to where, except that scene was from a stable hotel to go out and see...got separate division. I would have told you some of these scene. When a certain thing happened, and I arrive at that Time junction with the movie, it was already too late.

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