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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Ireland and England are two different nations.

Each them - this space = their family all around

Ireland Westlife                   |                Queen Consort


"This morning we have some activities going on, so as we gather here the girls side our class to meet the third boy school name, they have their PR here. His name is ....we combine some materials so we gonna work out some of this social event among the boys and the girls."

When do Westlife gone to the concert stage, I just thought about that now, 1999, 2000? (Boston, one year after EF)

"Where we arrive here today its a mountain top ...."

"We have some of the boy scout rope, to tie up your 2 feet, walking straight. This is called the 2 people 3 foot games. You ever play before? 兩人三腳, when you guys tie up your feet, on my mark ! "

Its similar to your comic book, Loving to Cry Little 愛哭學妹 I already seeing that never ends already. (漫畫: 愛哭學妹)

就是在講你們聯誼的時候,公關做什麼呀 ? 以前中山女中呀 ! 班級 + 溜直排輪的, 不是排球隊 ! 

Its when the social engagement between the third girls high to third boy high school meet. I already seeing that comic book never end. What does the PR does? In my high school. The class itself + the roller bladers club, No, not the volleyball team. 

The Volleyball Team

"This morning, the coach is here. We have the tournament soon to-be. the little they are on the wall right now. The basic foot works, we gonna call them near by now, the Captain wants to say something."

"Sorry, its the coach says something. No, the coach second is always here."

"The previous Class captain has something say to us when we were your age on the wall, I remember what I was told so I always ending up in the morning to come here rehearsal 30 mins before the actual practice - the serving." 

Roller Blades Club

"We are having a rehearsal at the Taipei mayor's great grandpa memorial hall, don't be there. Its every weekend, til the final tournament.  Its at the astronomy tower next by exactly, near this Harry Potter. The observatory science class, that corner. Our rehearsal in school. Don't be late. "

"I am the guess invited, Your captain asked me. No I am not the PR. I am the vice in the volleyball team, at the diagnoal corner. You girls we were in this left side that hide out (to all their video on the 2 volleyball court, the most furhust inside - left, that is where the roller blades clubs we used to be. "

"It was a mirror mirror song from M2M. It was your captain selected the song."


In Class

"The Perfect and the PR is over there. I just come in the classroom from the morning rehearsal. That is the basketball teammate next by us, she is at her gf side. "

"What is the newspaper says again? "  

(12th grade after coming back from EF, lost one year the whole classmate, the brand new, the 7th roll the last 2 rolls behind the class to see how the teacher scribble, without the eye glasses.) 

"No, that is me and the PR volleyball team Torus for the tournament, she is playing too, the basketball girl. We are on the field every 10 to 20 mins breaks every day. "

"No, we don't have that kind of the activities in the teams itself, we have the volleyball team, the basketball team and the gun and guards team in those raining day at the gym. That is the gym at the 5th floor, we walk up, there is no elevator and its made of all stoney, by the way. Concrete stoney. All by yourself walking up."

"This morning we have the rehearsal for the little - its your every Wedn the physical. "

"After the wall 100 times, you will be rotating yourself in this manner."

"Second round."

"Defense practice, that is your coach here today."

Why don't you stare at the right things?


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