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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


In the location of these 4 states, or more ...Stephen Tamang, South Dakoda, Wing Liu, TN, Dean W, FL (/ TX), New York States (Ola, Jonathon)

You realize in the next 1 month, you be more familiar with that one lawsuit 777. I don't have that much lawsuit anymore, you notice. Those bracket of the time, let's say you gone to the Home Depot, you get this marker to make a chart.

You may not initially seeing what you doing with these, going on with your life. You have one state, that is permanent where you are. You or your parents family, or your new spouse after UB or you planning to date people in there, or flying out the American any medical Ph.D or MD conference flyers you received in that 7th month ends.

When you seeing too many things, you cannot break down inside your head. + your studying the book from where, from how, to which exam, you wish to know everyone failing, because you too are failing. All that you put inside your mind to wish you or the other people ill. 

How come I never had any of those thinking? 

(The bird quack)

🦅 MD noon time ( 7 months later ) 台灣兩個講的


I think some have the kids, or some have what real or not real past relationship. In 5 to 7 months, you might look different than today. You saying your high school again by that time you find out, or your studying indoor again, you need 1 or 2 weeks off.

The library you gone by 7 months, its like 4 times a month, its 30 times you visit the library such as the medical stand of the magazine, or some books, literally open and close for 10 mins. its not you intended to love that career that much.

If you have the kids, you can just mentor your kids to grow up.

If you seeking the romance, or on the date, you are flying out for the Ph.D, or the MD conference, they are taller guys or the girls included, or their language sounds different. They spot you the first sight, they report you? One of those combination.

Some people care about these romance for saying going on a date or a mentor someone, sometimes a girl, or you tutor an English paper, etc, not necessary you lecture a full organic chemistry lecture or a lab without Dr. T this time. 

Most age bracket people after 40 years will be on managing the youth, or given some success tips to their growing up and supporting them. This part I want you to think about, not you going to do anything on the 7th months. A lot of the management bracket people are filling into the position such as the decan those inside the church. You are pulling in your attention inside the room to study. Before 1 years finish, you just meant you have a schedule somewhat look, you already intend to teach someone.

Why not?

But you cannot verbalize, and I say in lawsuit 777, you need to be able to audio yourself, hearing yourself, rehearsal yourself this entire things draw a period in the end of the paragraph might be taken another 3 months, or then a years you saying none of these were you studying materials, and I Anna only on the Anatomy & Physiology. 

You only make a schedule to move away this 2.5 weeks to this lawsuit 777 everything below, in a more organize method. It will take you to retrospect your methodity you apply on you yourself when the crisis shows up - you cannot deal with it. You blame on every step, and when your parents trigger you, none of you will be having a discussion with them, they might have any issue other than go to you. So you write your own private note, how you seeing this retrospect of the 7 months to then later up to another 3 months, you have 2 more months to say a year passing and gone by.


What textbook you have? in 2.5 weekend gone by....

20 textbook or more? You want to get another cloth, this time plastic?  You want to stack up on that desk, that is a long table, anywhere you are on this Tamang or Wing's the medical campus, the faulty has the parking permit, or the library card? Just random what 10 books, I don't care what you put in that catalog to borrow out, it will last at least 2 weeks, how long you can borrow?

No, you may not take this PCAT or MCAT this year, or next year. How long you quit, I have no idea....you have the lawsuit going on and on. 

You have the notebook you never throw away, or you taken some other notes you leave in the folder, you stack it up, and look at it. You have nothing else to leave on it after 2.5 weekend gone by.

Each of these 20 textbook open the chapters of 20, or the students usually meant 16 weeks of a semester your professor only lectures at.....that is not something you can open up your mouth to talk about per textbook to make 20.

Why don't you just staring at it for the rest of the 7 months. Its just a side of the table sitting over there.

Know what that is?

But your hand writing is very bad ....

No, your first textbook you pick, has 16-20 chapters for one semester supposed to be. Per weekend up to 7 months ends, you hand write very very clear 16 title of this textbook, very very beautiful calligraphy.

Your goal is to drop that things.

You might all plan to quit long time ago, how long you really lasting the last 5 to 7 years, no one knows other than the patient visits. 

You drop enough that thing, you might just getting better to know the material science I am telling you. 

After 7th month, you decide how you study these things, you relax more than 2.5 weekend already, or getting through your patient's visit and me this website run about.

Clear your head, sit over there, think about your life, think about you done, think about the professional visit, or the professional world they are. Seeing some TED, or the doctors or the licensing what not thing, you research, the leisure things to do.

You are very careless to everyone, not just to me. You intend to ruin everyone's life, if you didn't notice or thought about the last 10 years things, you didn't get to send to the jail yet for anything you claim, so far will soon you saying pending or continue of your life path or the goal.

These are the times you are not even sure its the boys or the girls you all decide to quit, but rather than a medical technician how to continue a hand-on jobs. 

You just spend additional full 7 months for deciding this factor for thinking all these breaking points of the lawsuit 777. You got nothing else to do, you drop your phone book magnetic, write another book 16-20 title, you label clearly, you find the right marker, every 2 or 3 lines its as big as these words written a very clear calligraphy. 

I cannot take a very visible BTX break, I am sure you all deciding how to die, these 7 perfect months, you see how you sleep to die or you can write yourself a big banner note, these 7 months its to intend to die, or the patient's care, she didn't do that this year to next year us (for saying last year), we didn't care what she did.

You file one note of that lines and shaffle to your yellow folder somewhere.

These are the 7 months, perfect time see how you die on each other. 

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