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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Imagine I was in my high school...no make-up.

It was too too too tired, so I lay down to sleep on the desk. I do that often in my school. I actually meant I need to study. I never ask the rest of the girls, or the nearby. She volunteers to tell us where she is in the grade. 

Shane has how many guys there, if Boyzone is at Gately, or Ronan? 

So added Ronan, that is 6 people. 
I stay in the team, or the classroom those team. I am already the school team, that is redundant. The 25 classroom compete the tournament, its a big thing in my school, right. 

The gun and guards, is in the First lady school a lot more attention. 

No, that is not what I mean.

uh... NO! I never say I gonna do that to them. Not that.

My mother right now, she fix my chair. 


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