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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


If my mother would get rid of my father forever, I think she would. Because so many situation she is always by herself handling it.

The younger kids are similar even the white race too. They care about their own little world, Tina or Pang. They might need their mother or just pretending, but when she dies that day, I know ....you know, sometimes in life, with your own conscious....if you really think, someone took care of someone like nick used to take care of his mother, the rest of the sister never did.

You saying they all have no name on the TV. 

And they all never spent the last how many years with their common mother. Nick did. Even saying you hire, or you physically carried, to say, you put up all that works for that one person, your own very mother, because because because, you have to, you have to.....really, to that day she dies, nick sometimes still gone to the grave wall like "The Day You Found Out", with the car, we both sits there. 

You all have this too big of the word Karma in front of you, but that one thing inside your very life, whom given you life, maybe right now TV has all this high definition of the ET theory, they might...but when about that time nick or when this my mother....all that saying 2010 on, I would have think to tell you, sometimes you put up someone that is your mother or father. You did put up all that tiring reason of those hours or money and if the government doesn't help you, you die ....all that.

Your conscious to that day, because its torturing your life, you can live in peace the day you close your eyes upon to see that God you say you go, or something you worth believing in it, you put up some works, all the rest of them living in a place you say, they never spent the time enough with their parents.

If the karmic law for saying the Capitalism just meant throw everyone out of the house, I don't know. May be, that has to calibrate that....

But that conscious, and because you grow up living on that breathing on that phone with your parents, you cannot just lose them. I will say to you like that in the end of the days.


I am sure they meant real, really. But while I am surfing up high ....sometimes isn't this the small tiny things, you say the day I was born, to the day I can fed the milk or crying she is the only one put up all those time I cannot. Maybe there is the guy or the girl things, maybe there is the aunt, and they are all the Asian, but they fear too. That fear factors from the guys, and every guy I am telling you, you all girls agree you hating them, true.

They are like that. I don't really like them neither, but I am straight. 

But for saying your own mother or your aunt, we....well, I stay behind that time, I didn't have a life plan for saying stretching too far, or on debts, so I get to know them or continue to communicate with them. For some women, just 1 or 2, that very reason of the climate, didn't need to always think of what?

A white European which guy? Too many choices to pick?

Life that is in front of you, your conscious has to live in it. In front of it.

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