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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


I say this again... the literacy and the money in the bank to be (since one lifetime you have to earn your money)

You want to be a lot more nobler person, both in US or Europe, those are fine. I have....whatever ending up issues might be starting right in front of my door here, the Taiwan jurisdiction court. 

I never convince you enough we had a civil class textbook. Even China the basic local might know what is the regular court if not interfering their domestic affairs. My family or the relative here have the property including that Square's uncle. I told my dad I go and washing for him, I heard Tina says its newspaper all over the place, and he keeps very dirty at, like the toilet. That is the uncle's his property, they let my father stays, I say I volunteer to clean up the entire mess. I want to soak him in the bath tubes for one full weeks. I got the money when I can do that. But they are all about to die.

I just telling you about 2 years ago or 3 years ago all these time, I did say something like that. Its very bad. 

He is from UCLA there long time ago, so he is speaking the English near our family here. For that degree you considering for him somewhat, he re-married, right.  Your own father makes a mess everywhere. And Square needs her past too great, or romance. That was long time ago I say that because the birds here starting, I told them my relative the Taipei Water factory here the underground water online file-ing, same I talked to Annca, but that is 2 years literally pass by.

The first moment I found out, I told them.

The literacy you can learn the speaking manner from Youtube, the money investment you can learn from the books, or some of the data some people you hearing them talk or any MBA university people they just need someone pays the money, you can study in English whichever the class or even ThinkWell those DVD I knew them from UK. Everyone acquire their means on the internet so easy. My mother uses her credit cards, I don't even need a credit cards, she loves doing this transaction as if her life goal made so easy ...if I ask her, when I acquire my money.

Maybe I say that again ....people grow up knowing that life junction you prepare every direction sound like you running a household because your parents cannot, or all around you. They may not be participating, but you say you are there. You never think someone you can rely on, "key" "car garage" "take the trash bin out" "lock and check things the water facet every sink." "Take the car for change the car oil." "lock the garage door." "can you check the mails arrives." "etc etc..."

You mean a real home owner manual....I wonder why I cannot stop saying that, meaning you keep imagining I doing it for fake !!!!!!

Europe and American housing will be similar

I think it should be similar, but I don't think about it.  I have lived in Irvine. (Earthquake, Earthquake, Earthquake, Earthquake, Earthquake, Earthquake, Earthquake,  ) I prepare the situation like the immediate things, you don't know  (Earthquake,  ends)

That is 98 Degree song on my background, here. Its in front of me, so I open and listen. 

That was a very looooong Earthquake here. oh ~ you mean Nominji coming here to washing my father or that apartment for my aunt divorced this uncle? uh, I highly doubts, no. They are the grandmom side apartment it used to be their own happy worlds. ROC. Just stays out of it. They have zero money, none. And that is not there, its ....I have no idea.

Just stays out of it. 

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