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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


I eat fruits, I weight tomorrow. Last night I have the soup....so with the soy meat.

Its like a diarihea in the morning after the harden poo, then....the detox mode poo. I need to lay down, really. 

They say they can deal with you, so I go to write the Chinese, and now I can fitness without the TV. It stresses me a lot on the movies or the TV, really. Without watching it, I focus better on my own health fitness, you all doing this - fitness, anything of that. You mean the weight lifting probably.

Like my diary goal: I was going up and down this 66 kg to 69 kg never end. While I arrive this 66 kg again, maybe like the 5th times keep doing this up or down, I can eventually get to 61 kg, that was when my juicing was supposed to begin, and then.....something happened about this COVID 19 about the finish so I have to continue to gain weight. The Ice cream after 67 kg.

There is something about the ice cream, and not the cones methods, it might be a bucket, sorry, the containers in the movies, the bucket in the Wal-mart freezer session. Maybe that is for the commercial store.

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