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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Family Dinner (Thanksgiving and Christmas in US, I actually don't know how to make it to Ireland, my entire in-room....Kitchen towel through the window...)

I don't think you understand in every generation people sit properly and attire to rejoice that moment with the family until they are dead. You yourself won't do that for your classmate, not even if you are a girl, and given that resource in the money, you will deliver a table no matter what.

  1. You jealous people to eat.
  2. You make a drama, to get on the things.
  3. You need that attention than the rest of the people.
  4. Its one table meal in the National Emergency
  5. A lot of you are all like that.

Is that the world peace so assure, you mean everyone other than the America, including your own front troops, they deserve to learn the reality, when the meal is not served, you realize that is the National Emergency, chopping a carrots or a cucumber to stay on the weight balance. One of those?

Or a casserole, the eggplant casserole must be the enemy. 

You got told that is the failure of your life, so you stay 4 side wall indoor, there is a Wing in the middle of the circle between or among the guys or the girls.

I never had a group recipe life to put down on my recipe books.

First is the money, second....I have no idea what is this 2012 he ex took serious. But in case that is 10 year passing on, I am onto the second Shane group life, sometimes its you and the guy, or the guy with the girl both on the cooking scheme, to put that meal on the table.

Its never gonna be one of us the feet got too tired too much lay down. I am the one keep saying I need to lay down. 


How is this week? Your work, home, me all this print out?

Did you?

Really per step not burning to hell, how I ever wondered. I don't even know that myself. 


               Fatima (Chem Stocking PT)   

Jonas,    Jonas Volleyball girl, Justin, Wing, Khan Harvard

Chemistry Ph.D (history major undergraduate)


Analytics lab partner (across Justin)

Wing (Pharmacy, TN)

Khan Academia (TED, Harvard)

None of them were the MD 6+2, that 6

Dean, Tamang, Hira, Ola, Jonathon. Alice

One Wing's future of Ep 1 - 22. You can always call to someone to classify at all ?! 

The basic chemistry reaction, the combustion is one of them, so you have learning of the boiling or the melting point abbreviate such as inside the OU language, backward writing of, bp, or mp. In America, b.p is a gasoline station or you capitalize that as the company name.

When coming to the professional school, or the professional jobs, you will be encountering the daily routine or the mechanical jobs other than really understood the basic level of the chemistry, for saying the organic chemistry level 1 is a little bit in general, where some other have taken the upper class in its application. 

In the real world, that will be you saying you "see in front of you", it can never be gas, or the colorless, or the odorless. But most time its just again the mechanical doing rather than saying every industry in the end from switching one side to another side of the spectrum its you keep a job, or you keep on studying to make it that professional pharmacy or the combine discipline in research that will be a pathway such as the chemistry drugs synthesis or the invention of the drugs in Conan Detective in Sherry's role.

Isolating the drugs, concentrating the drugs, or analyzing the purity of the drugs, the overall yielding of the allowance to the current Earthly sphere even in the room temperature of what the lab invention the experimental procedure will allow that compound be labeled as the drugs to be on the clinical trial. I highly doubt that is on your ... any of your peripheral why that ending pathway is anything interesting if were - the one lifetime education til you make it.

The birds cannot shut up, its not the organic chemistry or the pharmacy/ pharmaceutical.

Its the medical school. 

Is that in the TV?

The birds so loud.

UB 5 MD, Hira, Dean, Alice, Ola, Jonathon (‘s bro is Alex)

Well, the student formats how long you willing not to grow up at all. At least asking your dad or your mom how to grow up, next 5 years never calling them, you want them to beg you anyway.  See if they dead in 5 years frighten you enough in the end of the 5 years your spoken the first word. 

We do a discussion next post on the guys vs the girls your current moving into the reality on your the lawsuit 777 or that one table you carry yourself inside the car. The guys will be a lot more forward action plan, they think that is normal.

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