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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Everyone had their choice of preference what to believe

Things in front of them. 

  • 0:32 The clock needles compared but rather than now
  • 0:39 My heart start to pacing …rapidly
  • 0:44. So go forward to search 
  • 0:47 better than tears. 

Henry, you want to translate that per min frame for Dean they are?

嗨~許醫師 ! 你跟小郭要不要把這首歌每一分鐘大家翻譯送到 UB MD 6+2? 沒有什麼關係,這小郭跟迪恩一起做和尚,以後有照應 ! 還好嗎 ?

(HI ~ Dr. Hsu, do you want with Jason nickname Chinese words to translate these song per min and sent to UB 6+2, its him Jason nickname with Dean together be the monk, everyone in the future has a bonding! How is everything / how is it sound? )

台灣的兩個 MD  (建中的 )  - Taiwan 2 MD ( from First Boy School)

+ Eric

好久不見 Long time no see ...

我其實送給 Eric 跟骨頭醫生一樣的東西 = 我爸我媽我舅舅我舅媽,如果他有跟你們說中文的所有都是我寫的呀 ! 

I have actually wrote Eric and the Bone doctor the same thing = my dad my mother, my uncle, my aunt, if he forward to you in Chinese all that I written that (in Chinese)

哦 ~ oh ! 

很久很久以前我好像是說你們是不是要上來看鳥? Is that long time long time ago I say you all coming up to see the birds.

你們好像一點都不需要講英文的  You don't seem to require to learn in English at all.

小郭有找他是室友嗎 ? 他是 the One 嗎 ?  Jason Nickname you find yourself the roommate? Is he the One?

對 ~ 以前好像是我認識那個 高的 Henry. Right~ its me knowing that taller Henry

小郭的室友 Jason's roommate.

我叫所有女孩子離開這些線,不要說話,不要聯絡,你們所有人一個人四個牆壁唸完書 ! 

I told every girls leave those lines, don't talk, don't contact, you all everyone one person inside the 4 side wall finish studying.

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