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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Every case right, not just every me cases right.


No, not I keep them.  You have a Vita Health reviews, want me to re-write all that? Too princess?! Let me remind you all UB these entire 60-600 first meeting before you stand up. Everyone sort this red ink right on the clear calligraphy board, everyone passing by to stand in front of it and look. Every single this movie sort methods. Its by the debts you say the pursue of the happiness. 

  • -5000
  • -1000
  • -50,000
  • -150,000
  • +
  • -1300
  • -5000
  • -10,000

You write 3 column at this one horizontal board. You want a banker connect with a phone right there, when they review this per case of these numbers?  All the parents except us, you all be the local of that region for a very long time. Looking at your parents to tell them what is exactly that movies says. No lie no games.

The banker doesn't know whom you are. Or you want the banker arrive the second time, why you telling lies the first time never ends, the louder you get, the better to drop that 1000 times, you will lean on the back wall, with the heart really soak with the tears inside your eyes love game. I know exactly you will bend and say every word I mean you say it out loud....

You want the death parts, you open your mouth that day, that time.

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