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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Eric-looking like, geek you that movie; takes old town braid hair, Patrick, and Bill

Out of all that scene.

They all will be charged and moved to the federal prison destination or some already are, and they told Brian. The federal crime to the bait. All of them

Nicky, nick, Obama.

TV: the Rescue Ranger clothing ware.  

The contempt and attempt-to-murder, they are all very loud and aggressive personality. They use two hands to push each other, very very argumentative and do on purpose. Tell your parents and leave the scene. Stay away that Bill, he keeps going back his proud - military.


But that is legal he can do that.

Zac probably wants that story and die in there, right. He is short. If he is smart, out.

You are all mild Husky. Very mild so remember what I tell you, every scene is fake and illuded other than your own bank and destination, the current destination in front of you, don’t turn back. 


No I don’t run about, no. I say that more than once, really. No.

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