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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Eat, drink, sit down.

“You say what? Sit.”

“Isit, eat?”

“… your napkin !”

“What did you say?’

“Bread, Tofutti, knife and spoon and fork.”

“Salad…yours. I don’t eat salad.”

“Bok Choi.”

“Boiled, the thick soy paste fine.”
“You want some fried gluten just made?”

“Tofutti cheesecake, this is the stevia you say. I hate that stuffs. We don’t eat cheesecake.”

“The ice cream cheesecake from where the Earth Balance…Canadian brand where? It’s in Toronto or Mississauga factory somewhere. They ship there, the new store, turn the Copper’s falls on the right? “

“Right the painting lady paint on your stair love you.”

“That’s the bakery she works at, now I can see…”

“Her name is Kelly, blue book from America, we are in Canada the last time I check ??”

“Oh !”

“That’s a bakery job.”

“Do I look like I know whom that is?”

“Tomato, basil, vegan cheese. Right. Sliced. Here is the oregano. You do it.”

“Olive oil.”

“Mock meat beef. It’s stir fried. Just now? The onion and vegetarian seasoning.

“Say that again, I what ?”

“Right …”

“I eat? This is the pasta. “

“You say what ?”

‘I need to sleep…”

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