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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Continue talking about the outside.

No I don't think you take your kids with you, its a money unlimited worlds idea and you won't be treated as the British here on Earth what you think the typical British means to our Earth here everyone hears. By then, your title probably will be re-formulated before you going in.

One time I talk about if I was somewhere, not this graph. (You are with Tim Cook this place are Sunshine world), I forget where I suppose to be other than that one BTX at, the Earth currency exchange there. So you can do that the same, and you keep going to the law and inquire the details to asking the classify all that idea. I getting this image for real. 

Its just you imagine that no one from the Earth its as close you saying everyone around you dying out, nothing changed, you know whom this Earthing are. And some don't have your own wealth or continuation of your settlement of your own current all that accumulate family money. Correct, you will be the only one walk away that to, if all this lawsuit coming it down, you can take all that with you there.

I tell you what I was told.

No, you Earthing always ending up this same Sunshine Central world its all this up down looking metallic thing. I never really think its real, but I just tell you what I see. I would never imagine going out.

Now seeing this Thor or Loki ~~~!!! Now I remember a lot of this Dream Exchange Games and Kenshin, I probably have a lot of the enemy in the past. 

People outside, in the regular evolution ladder, its driven by the food and the commodity, same gays, or the stealing nature. A lot of things are nothing difference. That is why you are not a super big deal you saying you walking out. The Earth is not tolerant, the outside really you are a fine person. 

Me side of the friends, well, enemy, probably they are the leadership has to evolved, I just born here. They cannot just saying we are the enemy starting from the beginning I have to work hard all this stuffs they hand to me, they will tell me at least my IQ was not that short wired?

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