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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...



喔 ~ 那是怎麼講的中文部分? 

oh ~ that is how you say that in Chinese?


The gossip Chinese words


One is a real TV news, another is representative news women short hair at.


Its about a Real Love Prince type, possible married, ~oh ! remember now, its a outside the marraige.

好像是說因為這個什麼事情,政治人物 ...

I think like because there is such a thing, so the politician...


The real news was he is apologizing or praising thee thy thigh....

我想一下 (我在看其他新聞後面的)

I think for a moment (I watching the other news after that)


It looks like it says....

He was married, and that is his wife inside that bikini green looking girl. He and her were on the car waving like JFK, or something true love that is, later it is no more that, so it was a hotel coming at the door camera film from the top. Later so next by the spoke women was saying something about the politician such as the current presidential candidate needs to discipline him. This one man. He used to have a wife I guess.

The news after him, was a beautiful star, young, also entangle some emotional love relationship with another guy, it was ....meaning between him and her the love relationship. Its a concert beautiful her. 

There is a lot of those Chinese words I can comprehend, with the image, not I know how to say it.


I often told you I live in the vaccum, Pixie, its the last 2 days....says.

我常常告訴你們我其實活在真空裡面,籃紫小精靈,過去兩天 ...說。

I was serious so I type in the public internet

我是認真的,所以我打字打在公眾網路上面 !

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