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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


七十年之後的今天 ( 70 years later of Today)

電視新聞上的這所有人,年紀呀 ! 講現在,人們眼前的這些事物 

TV news on Today all of them, the age ! Talking about now, people's their eyes front row all things.

我坐在沙發上擺著一個墊子我倚靠旁邊斜的睡過去,七十年之後的今天,會有其他人的存在,我會說 ...『曾經七十年...的一樣這些光芒在電視上的人群,穿著斜邊的這種緞帶』

那我現在講好了,外面地球之外的世界,也是 1) 政府 2. 星際警察 3. 市民 (私人企業) 4. 星際聯盟的中央,這巴巴基最新的演講,他是一種軍事或是政客,或是整個機構的上面,但是如果他是假的必須那種事情,這個時間不是應該真的問清楚,他不是受害者,他是欺騙你們的人 ! 外面是有靈修,而真正他變成他的家之下的徒弟是很久很久的一個時間,這個時間的所有人,跟未來的永恆地球,你們沒有認真,為什麼是永恆的地獄,而這地獄你在裡面的時候,每一個世紀都是一樣的訊息,當年誰曾經寫了一本書 ! 就看著人間、鬼界討論敘述當年,是人們討論唯一曾經如果你做到基本,永恆會在哪裡的現在。

I sit next by my sofa with a pillow behind my right side to lean on my head sleeping pass by, 70 years pass of the today, someone will exist, I will say ...『It was 70 years ...the same shine of the TV representative population, wearing the ribbon of the diagonal』

Maybe I tell better now, the outside world also has  1)  The governmental  2)  The Galaxy Police   3)  The citizen ( the Corperation Sleek)   4)  The Galactic alliance Central   - Babaji latest all thing news speech, he is a military, politician, or the entire organization Top, but what if he is the fake, and must comply those things, isn't this time you better really asking clear, he is not the victim, he is the one lying to you all ! Outside has the spirituality, but those whom would becoming part of his disciples or the chosen ones are passing a very very very long span of the time, this time frame of all the people, and the future Earth, you ever seriously thought, why that forever hell, and when you are inside the hell, every century of the same message, it used to be someone whom wrote a book! Lookng at the human world, and the ghost realm world, and the people discussion the only its the basic essential you make it, the Forever will ever be at the Present. 

身材、體重、胸部、人緣、才能、金錢、買東西、購買力這真的非常重要嗎 ? 旁邊的這些男生女生的朋友叫做 20-50 之人,這時間只是站起來揮動四肢,從來這基本的人身並不需要靈修,也不需要擔保你的死後,一面一面的揮過去的玻璃,這一片片的玻璃 ! 

The body shape, the weight, the breast, the friends networks, the talent, the money, the buying commodity, and the purchasing power is that really that important? These next by the guys or the girls you say about 20-50 people, at this time just getting up to wave your 4 limbs, that is a basic human body doesn't require a spirituality, no guarantee of anything here after there after the death. Every piece waving passing by the glasses, these every frame style of the glasses...

告訴我你們知道 華佗 ....Tell me you all knowing that 華佗

基本的概念之一,或是唯一的從此以後的概念  The basic concept of it, or the only remaining ever concepts at all.


You belief there is nothing is real. 

你叫做什麼名字? (蹲下來)

What is your name? (Squatting down)

Where is your mom? How is your mother? You coming here with her today to buy a new toy?  You think she will like your toy? Or you gonna find one toy for her, and for you? What do you say?

你媽媽在哪裡? 你媽好嗎 ? 你跟她今天來這裡來買同一個玩具,你覺得她會喜歡你的玩具? 或是你今天要幫她買一個,幫你自己買一個? 你覺得呢?


Saying the compassion to the whole humanity, every frame you see inside your eyes.

『你先生今天還沒有回來? 』

"Your husband is not back to you?"

You re-write, re-type, print a different version, all the time. Every eon, every kalpa.

Listing 1 to 1000 like I taught you some years ago.

All the time, always. The criminal act of Ola and Wing. Every first degree murder.

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