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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


You hurting a lot of the people, and you intend me one day in the end of all this, probably at end of each of your life

I already say enough.

People in a different time frame of this interval Time and Time conjunction to re-watch the movies, because I am not any of them staring at the movie. Really, and when these things I watch them from my TV.

Everyone will be subjective to their own imagination mind or all that were already process before they can become a movie. You all mean if you are crown, you are going to kill someone. Really. Not aim at the rocks, or rocket science, anything inanimate, to just sound like a job to make you clear whichever this rural poor mentality of the low education human beings.

You scared a lot of people, really.

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