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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


💝 When I was in Kentucky, that EF one year, we have this Thanksgiving or Christmas 💝

And everywhere we gone to the house, the older women always have the food for all of us show up there, meaning similar to today you mean "Twilight". Most time you seeing inside and believe "oh ~ okay, that is the story".

Do you know what I SAY? MR President !!!! Do you need an EAR PHONE, THEY TOLD ME YOU NEED TO READ, NOT LISTEN?

Oh okay right ( movie )


Oh okay this is not right ( movie Thor 2 )


That is not normal for me, Twilight that all scene, you have no food, to keep slim?

You want to argue, you go to a table and eat, or you never have one experience in your life, you gone to some parents friend, or whom's parents friend, their table is correct? You don't look for that, every time you drive there, or taken there, to eat one meal? 

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