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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


This entire UB area, I used to say....

All your parents suicide.

Then its all your facebook suicide. Tell me girls, you know you all have no back end road exit forever, tell me, you know that every day, I am telling you so. Every day. The guys are very very mean, listen to what I say.....do not live on. Die.

None of this MD will save any of you. Their money and Title needs to practice their speech genius bar, like everyone knows they are the investment of the world.  So you all die, then this facebook of their things is all these guys. You can just ask the dogs how far down the hell, if you don't go now. 

Think about it, together one of them MD, since its not 5-10 years you need a goal, I will give all of you the perfect goal. Its real, and it will get worse of it. You are the only person mean to the world of you yourself, and you will have no back end road. Its in every Tiny 4.0 video (Tiny house, tiny home)  you seeing inside that couple the guy and the girl.

Tell me, why they are so far away and make it 2 people there?

That is the last road.

You believe you and your friend together looking great...that is their parents given them the last resoir. 

Remember what I told you, you believe your dog. How far the humanity hell needs to go, so go now. Adam Levine told you so. All go now. To that remains the in-line, just the guys, they will?

Have no direction of the fly all looking like a particular guy, you might know your some of this high school from. They cannot find one human in between 9-5.

No one exist. They usually just wait....the car, and will not make it 40 years old. Those whom made it after 40 years old....just like I told you 2 posts ago, no one else exist other than the funeral to attend with this 9-5. No one exist.

Other than 18-25.

If you steal, and repeated theft like Joanna

You will get written reports, and sometimes might be the police detain in that police station. It may not be the trial, today its loosen.


You can only live in the detain center 2 or 3 days, your parents walk you home. You like that. So you welcome yourself to go and detains only there, if you continue to create that crime, maybe someone will prosecute you. You probably intend to hide all the time anyway. 


You just keep escalating how bigger crime you can partner with the guys. Its a good felt, you might just mental they seeing you the first time in the detain, you bang your head somewhere, you even have some gesture like that. Its mental. So they don't do anything to you.

No, you injure your head.  All of you have something to hide, you believe the superstitious, why the wind, the sunshine tells you at your eyes? You believe it....everyday you got warn. You don't get warn enough, you thinking how to die. 

America is very very accidental insurance country, like you jump from your house roof, you by accident that ladder, you thought, its just a jump. Right, you hurt somewhere. I already told everything in life, move. You only need to obey that rule. They cannot jail you because you probably have someone report you before you had some concussion somewhere. 


Your brain got hit?

You damage your brain. What happened if you damage your brain?

You feel weaker, so you die. You have a very strange thought as if you are mental, and you thought about that reason yourself. You did mental. Correct. But you don't feel you were mental? You were not taught you have been mental. 

What does that mean?

If next time you tell the police, they will tell you to go and see a doctor, and that is a correct thing to do. You suppose to tell your parents, you hit the incident as A B C D E F G, in every details, written that down and with your parents to go to the doctor clinic or the hospital. 

What will happen?

They tell you what to do. Its a physical hitting. Sleep walking, sleeping fallen. A kettle you hit accidently at your neck or your eyes, near the head skull. Similar this Frozen scene.

So are you yourself mental if this thing do exist? 


But all this time no one care for you?

No, you might be reported, so some MD know you are like that.

Do I get better?


But if I go to report?

They can talk to you, but if they think your situation get better, you are fine.

So if I have all the bad thoughts.

I told everyone to go and see MD psychiatry, its everyone's head hit somewhere. I keep saying the accidental insurance is very very very high. 

So is the bad thought not supposed to happen?

Not if you are normal. You get upset, true, but not in a particular way if your brain got damaged. 

All the time?


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