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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


They cannot talk to the medical examiner a certain manner other than the last time they talking to their parents on the phone included.

You would have thought they cut off their phone to that same tones or the tears with their parents, or they leave some strange message on someone else's phone.
When they get used to leave that one person's phone like 1 or 2 or 3.....I have no ideas, is that starting 10 years ago?

I just got on-line and make a blah of the universe in front of everyone.

Some girls and some guys. These movies or scribble they write in only they see words comprehend in the brain one thing, literally speaking sound like another to these medical examiner. Literally directly language at them. They didn't say...

"I believe the health care right now its to help everyone outside, now I need to do my jobs. I think about it later."

They went to tell the local those I have no idea where they come in as the jobs and say,

"Everyone else knows why I am here, you don't know? oh ~ whom? The records is those whom coming in, already given to you. That is the day job you temporarily kept me here, you are just temporarily assign here. These are not the real jobs, you believe that is the job?"

"Right, this is not a job you know, a career pay roll, you suppose to give me that."

"You want me to beg you....I got that. "

"Does my parents come by? They live around here or I live around here, whom are you from before? Your school."

That is the local above

Not the local far away from the parents. (Below)

"I am adapting the new environment here. I am doing my jobs. Everyone has that job as they are told. "

"No, my parents are not here, they are not supposed to be here. They talked to you?"

"I have a what intend, do I mind to explain about myself? I speak to them on the phone yesterday, they assure that is not the correct thing from you to me." 

"You have no right to inquisitive me. I am doing my job. She is not the job. You are the job."

"Your attitude piss me off, not just my parents were, and you buddy together in the office, I can see that. I just don't feel like, none of those were my anything to do with any of us here. That is their problem not my issue anymore. We already all done our parts, I am tired, you know how tired you make me feel."

"I already told you, That is not what I think it is."

"The efforts I make, its not any effort you put out."

"They suppose to give me that, not make me cage here to do what? They done on purpose. Are you sabotage me to create the crime here? In what sense? The movie sense? You know the movies don't mean like that."

"I am trying to ask you."

"You say you believe the movies mean like that."

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