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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


The SA Team leadership, they talk to me. Right...after the court room me and the Judge.

Did you ever read to imagine a brain IQ require on where?

So can you please just wait until that time......because then I decide. Not the record company, you can assuming Westlife Co, is not the record company they set up, its Shane's?

I actually don't believe one word they say from inside their mouth, but I surely seeing that Good morning, America. So I already say Shane he talks fine.

The court room Business, someone they can approach to the Judge, you cannot be that blind and damf that is a Judge in the legal world. That can including the police chef like those Japan police pavilian those, these are called the Laws & Reinforcement people. With a uniform and a flag behind them. 

I think that is way more than enough, really. "Which cup of this is blue or red or yellow?"
I tell you what I hear. It could be an examine process at the court room.

"3 cups, red, blue, yellow."
"Tin, top, Grey."

Zawanna or Ancient Chasez says that. Too tall, cannot see the face. Right next by. Sorry, its that Indian General. 亞斯

I believe that. They had a video explaining those their 11 oclock those constellation. The way I look at Kian and Nicky in the van. The military orientation table. I think its Grey is the yellow.
Right, they hide each other, correct. 

Without Westlife?
Still, Grey.

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