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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


🥗 Sometimes when you imagine you go forth your work to.....what you mean you are a fan? 🥗

That is not the business associate. You cannot mean that everyone given you an attitude. How do you talk to Westlife, or how do you talk anyone else in your Itune, let's say you give yourself a try, to the NSYNC, or Backstreet Boy, or 98 Degree, so you have more recent your own solo artist, not even your parents know or don't know how much you like about your chasing your idol.

So you approach to talk about the business, and what business they suppose to be doing?

The music !!

You will feel a lot more dignity if you have your own career and occupation as a girl, as a women one day, some day. What happened when you found out NSYNC, and that One Photo in 花冠安琪兒?

Summer, August that year. No, I don't need to see the real human having that sequence, that is what it is. Not the real human face and this is one interface = TV interface away. That time i was at my ex bf home, it was a lot more issue - Tesla patent was his house, the patent on Apparatus. I have a lot more this issue, how my mother in the seat, and those patent has someone on the chair. 

I was on the chair in front of the TV, turning right it is the window, where the Sun comes to this house a differently, and then the sofa position. Because the patent can be the seat, but there is a label. 

I have a lot more those issue + 5 Lords Reviews with Victoria Secret, like Good morning, I have a cup of water to sit, starting every day. And TV: FRIEND.

Everything they seeing today was those time I working 24 hours a day. 

My mother needs to make it that van driving that time. I need to watch her.(On the patent) No one knows any of that, and the Canadian authority they becoming a sequence inside the VS and when I enter a nursing room, that girl's hair is in pink.

My ex bf took my Art work, one time it was I finding that. the very last day I found out, behind a door. 

And I am always very very clear where everything goes, per thinking, per diagram, this is a photo meaning you never open that book and read it? No. Behind I might seen the roughly, Frank. 

Tesla Biography inside from Venus. Every time if I seen that name, I be aware. 

And you cannot write anything down?




So if the court asking you and the things kept in order, you know exactly whom or what, or how on everything you saw all that, whatever you see?


And no one knows.

Not exactly I think they imagine its per nick's side family per position + everything I told you the list above. 

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