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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Movie: Star Trek Beyond (2016)

Babaji speaking a different language. You need to learn a different language !!!

No, that is not what I see here in the movie. 

I think between each other relationship like having a bf or a gf, will sound like this is the beginning of the movie I see. 

I think that is what it is. You being with someone together.

Being together with someone

Its not 2 people sitting on the bed reading your own phone side by side, on the same bed. You ever imagine what you don't say to each other, if far away from each other, the home, or the parents, or everyone has to be far away.

Its that the relationship you working on, or delicate to work on that relationship because some guys don't mean they wait for you, its one lifetime commitment. And I just believe you mistaken to imagine that. Not you bossing at him, not you playing his psychology, you mean you waiting the whole day for one message to passing through, meaning you doing it on purpose from the morning to wait til the early evening?

Why don't you just sent him unlimited message.

"Hi ~ we talk about this the last time, you will be seeing this awkward position how you will be listening to this never stop the next a couple few hours, I am at works. I use my phone when I can?"

Being responsible for someone

Aging and the money.

Stand in front of the ER for someone, filling up the address with your pursue or the bag, or the car key, or the phone. Sit there waiting, and talk to this person to make this person feeling better. Talk anything to make this temporarily away from his anxiety, or feeling insensible, either with the family, or the situation. Make that person relax?

The gift bag, the things make him or her happy. Are you commit it that you gonna grow old together? You sure that is one day job you can or capable to do?

They are all very very stable person. Meaning sounds like, talk like, whichever the jobs inside the military, they know what it is like side by side to with an opposite gender, what you gonna do? You never gonna have anymore one relationship in your life, and you gonna die. You are debating you die before your parents or after.....because you didn't get what you want, you didn't dream big enough.


The Youtube video 

has the background music, but in your real life, or the life after, none of that has a music in the background to really believe in that life other than you have to make it in life, and face the reality what that people in front of you. You mean you want to commit in that relationship.

By how?

Not by bossing at it? When you have no money?

I don't really capable to run a lot of things in my life because that life can change. I might be examined, you think you don't get nervous? The physically idea, the talk process, and you all are not helping to imagine how that step to make it the next. You want me to make all your life to be easy, and fantasy and dreamy about.

Some guys in their life, really really gone to a girl's home having I don't know how long that relationship or just be friendly enough to see some of the scene of this girl's overall statue of

Being in the present.

  • The way how you wipe your hands with the paper tower or washing your hands at the kitchen facet at your parents home, or near by the friends home, or there are some very brilliant guy knowing how to be selfish by their height seeing it below, what you did with your washing that kitchen, and where that food present to him, he seeing it how to swallow or dump it in the trash can.
  • How do you hold a plate
  • How do you walk in the room.
  • How you talk about your career or a job.
  • How you washing washing washing that facet or the sink.
  • The toilet, the rinsing of your own shower place
  • A day in Life.
  • Are you describing him with the correct language if none of you speaking in English?
  • Wipe the desk, the mouse, my hard ware, the USB line, the table the desk, the cabin, the monitor 4 points frame, the round sit of that PC base, the keyboard per key looking inside.
  • Your own face, your ears, do you trim your eye brow, putting your make-up.

You hate a lot of this things, for saying the natural beauty. 

Your eye glasses inside the shower place? Warming of your own 4 limbs, washing procedure of your own eyes, your nose, your mode because of the make-up, you gonna finding some of this massage place or the Asian whom they know how to operating this face jobs you just have some of the secretion of the residue on your eyes, or the nose, or the cheek all around. Not just the fried food if you have the pimpoo issue.

You mean you hide your breath, your eye sight as long as one weekend relationship.

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