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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Mahavatar Babaji Human-Celestial - He is not finishing screaming

"I want to express my gratitude...." 

"Its been a long time since we met, and often we put our gratitude in someone's shoes. Its often got mislead."

"I always believe a gooder side of the humanity, and therefore to this presidential campaign, I would like to express my sincerity and generosity over this matter, (these matter), for as long as I shall ever live." 

(That is the gifting idea 你們總統大選的禮物,他說他的呢?! 在講他!!!)

"I often believe that the mortal rules of thumb was that, we seeing the good face of the other, it reminds us God, and very often we misled each other to believe otherwise, and therefore that criminal charged be imposed on all of you. That is what the language means before you seeking any exit out, and I will oversee this power and this place in this sense, for as long as I shall ever lived."



"I often got misled to believe that, the more the merrier, sorry, the more cheerful leading of those human crowd are the nuisance, I indeed do so. Not that I myself is the religious leadership by itself the definition its really not just down side up or down that much sympathetic to the human race of this pity state, they go on the road sooner or later. " (tiled my eyes glasses)  "Its not that the pretty you are, you becoming smart with my money pocket or the wallet to spell one of those high tech cannot detect you the first incident you did anything to anyone at all with your brain, and therefore that punishment is very severe. To my viewing here."

"I often say it the good hearted works begins at home, that is not necessary a home owner manual someone reinforced from the military side or in your term, that is the hell of the American military Home Owner Manual, so everyone be on the debts not paid, someone in needed of helps, you could just staying inside your 9 to 5 to sound like a saint, all that I do not accept, and you don't make me....at all. "

"There is a difference of those whom say yeh or neh, there are those whom watchful enough to spell/spill one of those idea in the customized quick template to make a seed. One of those saying, none of that I agreeing so. But for the climate of this discussion, I often express that belief and sincerely wish, you understand what you doing before you done it that so. That often just spell how far down the road, your karma ends or begins another tale of every 9 generation, isn't that why I believe that?"

"Listen to thy thou shout solome heart, every quick peace of another kindle, it was very same of another that each other cannot see pass of the Past Great deed ( the karma) interwind to each other's fate other than the 'fate law' coming out of her mouth, as if anyone didn't know why they can be apply in my knowing, that is completely legal to claim that, however, in this pressing moment of the urgent matter as if the money running short or the debts so red ink high, there isn't so much the mind to run out of this 9 to 5 pm the driving or the traffic of this one person table dining experience anywhere that pit falls of life that spell from the beginning of the term (century), and let that alone the sad life to be reminded, anything that spell funny tiny one bit, upon this Future-to-be, this is not a free channeling, this is exactly how it goes....will go, understand all that?"

"Let that be at peace, this the hell of the lunch time".

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