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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Its everything just look at it, I hate. (American Medical Board)

Theft and stealing. - That is the tradition. You don't understand what the stealing or those Japanese capsule living (No shell snail). I am so sick of it. 

When people plan a certain step to reaching an adulthood life, a lot of people might just trying to be an adult when they grew up. Meaning staring at your math every weekend or every Friday night. Not lost the key, not lost the records, not lost the car key.

Not without AAA the car insurance on the road to save you. 


1. Math on per weekend, or the home hygenic cooking and keep the health, keep the fitness right inside the home. Be resourceful.

2. Be attentive to your health, I keep saying it.

3. Care for your parents, be a girl its to attend your own parents and everyone else parents, no matter you hate them, you don't even meet them you already decide to hate every human being on the planet.

4. A career not just a job.

5. Even regent a military 194, or I given them a name Pixie, that is my own capable I claim I deal with it.

6. The brain IQ job I can do, not standing or the girls thing I used to be. Right no, but still I like the brain IQ job. Then be details, be descriptive, and be caring everyone else has to attend this job, so make it very clear. I find out for sure, I tell you.

So many things I see keep hurting me, its just worse than all that every time I describe, I used to say they live on the moon, Dean and Karen and Adria in the same facility, no one there.

Meaning no more seed in this video song at you?

On the crust means, you will doing this Ola wish to happen. So sick of it.

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