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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Is that a what, a gap between the first light to the second light?

As big as you ever will make it to the Kenmore on your right. The Top from exit road, of course they make that big gap. Its the Top plaza and the rest of the pizza, Chinese take out, the Star Buck frontier, big gap, but its still further down to that Bus Terminal.

The Chinese restaurant on the Kenmore right the same plaza: The Beautiful scenery 美景 X 

You can put 10 cars at that gap between you say the first light and the second light. But you cannot park there to come down, I told you its pass the second light on your head Top.

How long I live there? Everyone graduate from the UB I think 2006. Melinda and me U-haul from that road to my new apartment, forever goodbye from the UB South campus.

Maybe I just draw it to you, only Dean will eat place, his own cafeteria. 

Can the outside goes to X 

Yeah, it’s big big spacious !! Eating Art like that Dean, I think he loves to eat. The UB student rate. If he becoming a hungry ghost I think that’s a greatest place than Elicott design. Me and Ola eats in Elicott. He loves that student format cafeteria. 

I saw he eats like Dr. Bing Shen. Horrible to me. The Video?

JC Always, here.

Ancient Chasez CAC Senior Ball

BTS record store, next by Chinese 美景 XHere

oh ~ My room in Jame's home, that is the record store there, the Dunkin Donuts keep going on the left, to the corner of that Gulf Course and the road down (turning right is the Veteran hospital), I volunteer there. The nuclear medicine I think.

What did they say, "Bring a friend"? CAC girls, Karen CAC 4 girls we gone to Dairy Queen truck would be....kenmore going down??

Do we have the basketball court in around UB? I think at Hank's find new rental place, they already move once between me staying, to where my mother comes, that is a kid's neighborhood a big giant park, there, I think...its the beautiful scenery and the basketball court. I walk very far inside, all around. After AGT already 256 lights. Hank's parents come to that house. 

This is not about the eating where you all girls go and get Dean to where things are, by eating? 

In California ?!

Maybe they mean the North California would be the Bill Gate Mock meat what is that branding called. He and Leonardo Da Caprio very big news that time other than my Google+ life, remember? Kim's vegetarian place.

South CA, Irvine Spectrum, the Barns & Noble. The eating place...the Veggie Grill or the Native Cafe. Do they mean Whole Food, that is like the Wagmans stuffs.

Souplantation and Sweet Tomatoes

okay I got it. The Sheridan, UB that is a Tomato Pie or Sweet Tomato Pizza place next by the shoeless store and the bank.

In California, its called the Souplantation. Its a vegetarian buffet. 

My Tomato Pie.

Before AGT, that is NYC, Trump's Tower? The Loving Hut. The Buffalo doesn't have the Loving Hut, its at Toronto. Dean I don't think he is the vegetarian. He loves to eat I guess he used to be fat they told you. He keeps slim at....FL, or TX. 

Hank is Dean's similar height human, got very fat. If you mean Tina's ex husband, that Hank. He doesn't eat salad, I don't think.

oh ~ its Korean's food. Tina only eats Taiwan those Class 322, korean restaurant. Hank and Tina goes to every Asian food plaza, right. Outside. They keep eating all around there nothing but the Asian restaurant. 

I am at home. I got the car on the weekend to drive out. Dean eats the korean spicy chicken those things, or that would be Tina Jojo's bubble tea place, its a Korean restaurant. 

The bubble tea.

The Souplantation they have the pizza and the ice cream. 

Its all the buffet area. Right now you have the COVID 19, you don't eat in the buffet those touching everything at those containers. But you have the pizza places other than the salad bar. The drinks, the ice cream, some of the warm stuffs near the pizza places.
The Wheel of Life 
Sayer !


Me and my mother gone?!

Maybe Native Cafe. Its pretty. They have the oats cookies.

At the menu session all the way bottom right.


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