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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


★ Inside this world, because I just don't want to even think this Thor or whatever outside girls how liberal they are, or they fear too.... raise those sign board like the auction of whom you are ?

Thor did something to them yesterday.

To me, I will tell you every human is a garbage the moment I seeing them existence. When I gone to America, not the school, never gonna be the girls. 

When then the reinforcement people have to show up, again, I gonna tell you, I rather those you put your words inside your mouth right or the eye sight. That doesn't mean they are better, I can stand them, its just most of the guy next by the girls (the law reinforcment), they would shut up eternity and make a very few words to get themselves out of my sight, or they find a way how to deal with it correctly.

NEVER this Pierre human sounds like, hear like, look like in ANY ABC world, I say eternal. 

That hatred I wish them to go to hell its that person Taiwan Youtube Pierre. That exists in every overseas Asia domain.

When I was younger, I would think of something a lot more philosophical nature question such as this American so superficiality where they gonna go? The appearance reason or never gonna make it the sleek of one eye sight exhibit inside their own very eye. They are all very very selfish. 

That time I didn't think my parents will be a threat to me.  You growing up, never interact with them, you will never think they both are the handicap, and have to come back and educate them, or my karma is different = I can hire someone to watch them, care them, talk to them, and eternity I never require to see them one more second. 

That karma = I do not need to see them. 

★ That safety feeling were not always with me the last 5 years since I gone back. Right 7 would be I land here, the first 5 years.

You saying the same very philosophical nature question, why I hate the human never end, Taiwan I will tell you people a lot more genuine, no matter what that is. China is not. Not that Dr. Bing Shen. The joke SMCH told everyone when the fire started, how Vietanese is worsen. 

★ Taiwan is very small tiny, so is when they being, let's say the White world they either succeed or someone allows them succeed, I think they either come back Taiwan to settle, because here is the place they care about.

★ They do not have any big desire why conquer the worlds with a lot of the responsibility. That is the entire Taiwan sphere. Not conquer the world. And this is the land I naturally was born here.

★ This flag country does not have any name on the international because the entire humanity here just wishing other people well, and return the short distance of the traveling here, and they enjoy everything here where the walking distance so little. To them, here is the very Safety Haven to them. It is.

★ So two side police, Taiwan or America, they are about the same. 

The actual face, not the military those....their own upper get rid of them drunk.

I didn't really found out the formula where the after worlds, you go to heaven or you go to hell like I was told. Its iron chain at your foot. It hurts me. Jonas and Brady. 120 years that painting, they will sit on that court that time. I don't really know if the court will call them. If in the hell, that day is heaven to them, they will sit quietly one hour in that bench as the ghost format.

When Robin William die, I was the one sorting their passing life that year. Some people hear that witness account. It didn't hurt any of you by even knowing what everything else look like, I had to go through that 2014, and I will be the only person stood there to get killed, because I could tell all the movie, per degree things inside my life.

And none of you were that argument UB, ever help in, or just stood by the side to have one second decency as the human ought to be.

One Tina Jojo hurting people never stop, and had to born the 2nd kids.

This Human-celestial Babaji talk because, I probably never imagine that is exactly like that or I hear, meaning they working with a lot of people, seeing a lot of the people, they have every options other than looking at us, or hearing on us. Not one of those God mythology, over like 1000 body, you have those religious fantasy or the upper worlds its omni-prescent, you didn't need a spirituality, so none of you getting hurt.

That doesn't mean right now if any of you die, or your parents die, you know for sure what the other world the real essence if you practice the spirituality or not. I know its all the business sleek and the system scale things on the monitor. Outside if they are that high tech, at least you guessing it, that is the perfect sense they have every answer.

I personally telling you, I don't really know. When people die, its when that Judgement each person has to deal with it. Meaning I didn't turn to be that business sleek, for saying, its the money define your value and never given you the words simple that basic supports.

But the moment this human-celestial Babaji if anything unjustice right, you all will taken, to hurt anyone because you imagine that is the Power means, its very very very sicken to me.

Very sicken.

Before he shows up, all this position upper might be all face card. It will always be this if I am = the 3 esteem, I have to NEVER stop pamping the human guys.

You don't feel tired. I feeling very very exhausted and tired. 

And these younger age of the 15 years old will forever be that every screening process to replace the jobs, and none of this face cards human all around knowing, these younger people getting hurt to keep him on that jobs, meaning not in words both getting the supports, its that one person one photo show.

I am the only things real.

You telling me what do I see, really.....

I don't really know if you hurried up your spirituality. Not really.

The medical board means me saying that spirituality, but I would related this human-celestial Babaji over your brain IQ, how things be seen at his real world, so I cannot give any of this I dumbfound scenario its nothing but your mingle people's methods, the strategic planning, to how manner you doing things, or how you coordinate, or how you put people together or how this groups activity, you know why I have the group activities, because you all ending up on my facebook.

Meaning in that pleasing manner, you be professionally carry a practical approach almost just saying in the Corperate or Capitalism under, you are an organized person and being responsible, that to start a correct look out personality, and that outside will include some what the instant noodle rate of the meditation or retreat for saying they running in and out of the world, for carrying some of the spirituality.

I didn't see that part. I guessing exist. The way I got told might? It will be the money too great. Why would anyone told me that? Its a blurry image, so they hurt me more? 

I hate every single day I am getting so much hurts, inside and outside if you don't understand what any of this in my life, when any of your suffering was not real, really.

The philosophical nature question such as this American so superficiality where they gonna go?

That Tiny house project ....I see from south of us. A shed, an 40 years later Ella Enchanted, a drap cloth all over the trailer were nothing to get caught by the fire. That MC. And this perfect first bf Ella Enchanted be sent far away by the parents, or by the parents order, they 2 make it a what life together.

The appearance of the high school....no one ever told me.

I don't think you realize, everything tried to fail me or disappoint me. You will have any consequence later on, forever. Really.

Tell me that stood alone jobs....let's say, no one near this Earth, not even this I written for MB.

That day, that quiet time, no one exist.

A touch, this is a plant.

You saying a drape.

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