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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


High School Musical Graduation - ending

He thinks she in Rama 1/2 the taller girl, Pang's TV financee brought out, should go with Wing, settle down have a kid or two, if without its fine. The money is probably short if you insist to have so many people fed to eat.

"She told her mother already, due to the short of people staff....they will not be districtly zoning separate out from the Republic of China."

(Look at him)

"Why are they boo? Those sponsors Hunger Game audience seat, you are a what?"

"I would like to sincerely pay my gratitude to all those involved in the casual works of the Greater humanity cause of works...."

  • "Hippi, punk? They are ....never gonna be your faithful disciple those, looks like a citizen zoning whom buying and selling those foreclosure houses included those library flyers eyes staring at it. "
  • "They are the human that don't believe...you. In you. Do all those she knows? I did told them, you teaching laws, you are an inspector one of those governmental jobs?" 


"What's your name? Andy !!!"

"No, they are all not parts of my dad's ROC any connection because....when all of them immigrant out, its their dad, meaning my father's classmate, they make it on their own in their own business and all the association near by. They are not the actual cluster of any family near friends. No. There is no relation or connection at it. I can tell you that. You can just snatch them right now. Because....it never exists. "

"No, no ....." (2 hands on the top of your head )

"You are a blondie punk spikey, why are you NO!?"

"Stop, when you are inside your legal court, you suppose to inquire all that the real sphere of the planet to its own development relation from a unknown UN island to American. And that compromise 1911, was a false. It was real. It built up under the Capitalism, each individual given the constitution right, so each family, their dad works hard on it. They all did. so they are not near this Party, and we are not technically very near neither. He my dad married into the land owners to provide them some probably at the ROC, and another grandpa to divide and conquer, meaning the local gangs away. They stood fine there. That is probably the only things did happen."

(throwing trash)

"No, we are not North Korea. All these Japan, South Korea and Taiwan to Singapore, are equal size as American that Capitalism, except, here they, or their entire Asia cannot withstand romance games, or they let go their academic, and that strict rules are very stern. They never find a job without it. That is Square's brother. "

(What about Irene's brother?)

"His mother made him wait one year, repeat. She wish him to repeat, so he lower one year to get to his Class those time a better University."

(He got married?)

"I guess he did, but not healthy, too giant now. No, he will have none of them have any political party involved, no. Meaning, no file-ing any paper works, only their tiny security of that house location and all around, that security given them, for us to go near if we want to. I never visit, other than once seeing them only. Once. Meaning....if they are dead, its on their own court the money in short, whomever selling their property like you all will. There is no connection between the actual Party. Not really. Because....they are probably all democratic. It is transparent. "

(How bad that is?)

"The actual you saying the ROC, you probably mean the real pollical human inside the Party, correct? No. I will refer to the Military given them the local family some supports because their grandmom decides to let her married in, or through her husband, he was not from here local. He migrant here with the ROC. It was the Japan colony time, her security was little because she was told to stay or else she would be sold as another family's maid. That was the local tradition at that time, or during the Japan colonize Taiwan at that time. When ROC retrieve this land from mainland, they get rid of the Japan completely, this is all the things they taken it down. The rest, whichever Party at that time, they have to manage inside that entire land. So the democracy they built upon, it was exactly like the civil textbook, although our First President was a lot later to be elected, the technically family of that 1911 General WWII wife, was in America. That entire culture went to America, and that true inside the ROC, might be a lot more learning in English to keep those tradition.

Except, none of us are any one of us close to one friends, not at all. Its very far apart. The military given the local that security, only. But once my dad pass away, that entire support may or may not in Shen's side. That is just how the way they doing things. They local isn't worth a thing. So that is as far as the military did, not necessary ROC guaranteed that. No."

"Those UB, will have nothing in relation to us. If this Rama that side, was not even one tiny dust related to we. They make it the money in the Capitalism, the American can provide them the security, in those sphere of club, similar to that Mainland billionaire gone to Japan. Otherwise, there is no security all of them there. Its the local IT or the city police force to where they keep their home secure. Everything else you can sell them including all the UB. You didn't need to cut me away. Except us 3, not even the mother I think....its the military target."

"They need them to be independent and make it the real this military village all around. Because there are a lot of the military village people, and my father probably is the end of the junks line whichever his dad ever said or written about before he died, I think."

"Correct, they only did the lazy human does things. They were the elite military and the elite coming here. Any local at that time...."

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