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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Do I know if Dean is a tall women, a women, or what....ever all that? You used to remember? Vartan all this things?

... Adam went to Naddin in Germany, He puts that photos on the facebook I think. He didn't need to do that. A lot of people say they change. You just wish you never find out he flew back and forth, never leave that Germany. There was an Anna there.

Or Karen here Taiwan. Never leave Taiwan jail.

So I can only tell you I saw Dean as he was, before his mother he and me we talked. His mother didn't tell me he lied, it might be just 10 times worse, whichever she or ever found out and ever need to tell me. I make this mess say she wonders what else.

The only things were told, it was he and some friends in south Europe got rub or corner where the passport almost lost. If not his life. Ricky Martin that time has a lot of the girls dancing.

Being as a parent, last thing you wish to find out he got jailed in South Europe never return, never ends. I sit alone all this time, whichever this one case, if whomever I do not know whom did that.


The little kid running behind that Gate to my New World, its a Kenshin Himura, stand, a sticking out...away from the cave, its the final scene of that First Season Kenshin Himura.

That story has a trailer talking about the past Muji Era, or the new beginning. But that ending Himura Season 90s, it was a battle everything got destroyed.

I hope you find your supports.

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