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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Babaji (fainted blurs image), the Department of Defense

Do you mean Pixie, or your Heavenly them the solid shining gold?

All right....ALL.

"I would like to inform to all of you today's agenda."

I have an announcement to make today. But I have a schedule to read after.

"I would like to inform all of you today I have a schedule talk, to talk to you that is what I mean and I have move some of my schedule points to let you all sitting here and listen.

I have make all this account myself including travel to all these points of the reference. I am not pleased. But I have believe that you make all your efforts to arrive to this arena ground so far so good, inside your mind outside your soul pieces. People cannot be DEAD, that is NOT the heaven's rule. You mean you imagine we are the heaven so the people dead left or right, or you mean if you trying to see if I live in where? The hungry ghost realm, can you get your two cents off my shore all that you saying you used to run things, and PLEASE just shut up most of this you think you know, I don't know I live RIGHT HERE FOR AS LONG AS I EVER REMEBERED."

Today's these scene you all make your own accommodation were not in my comfort, not in my comfort to know, or not in my comfort to see or witness even to hear or talk about. You guessing I would think, or I would find out? All that your human perception your first getting in the door as the human parts? Tell me whom lives here as these long age you cannot tell the face or you cannot tell my own security guard how I manage them or you yourself run over your own very top to make a network all together. You believe that, or I believe that? 

There are so many these account, I don't need the reference anymore for saying what I am, how I am, because its not the humility running in you the problem, its how far you getting this requirement on the told story to imagine the next, whichever this you comprehend by your limited Earth existence this far, this is not the training or you all wish this is the pest make the infested deadly virus gone away. Those are....the human head, not the quota to meet the standard in whichever this context of the language I was told, there is none of that is acceptable. 

"I have an announcement to make today, the tea house" (snap the finger), "HERE!" (on the map)

When you getting an announcement, you see or you read?  Do you want a piece of paper you can read while you stay here temporarily or you already decide this is the final ending? I have a board and that is how I used to talk. I would spent my own money to get you all a personal staff if you don't tell me you cannot see, you cannot tell, you cannot hear what I say pointing at this board as your first reference, be very clear with me, or else.....

"I always would like you all be seated to hear what I have to say today, this is no exception for today, this time, this hour, this everything on the agenda, and none of you have make an easy for me til this far of the horizon. You cannot see that side at all, or you imagine you cannot tell me your methodity WHERE to or HOW to get from this point A reference to point B and on and on and on inside your brain every step the way, to do exactly the mission accomplish just like the movies, its not inside your brain IQ or its not inside your education? I need the things be done, not the things I need ! What does that mean? 2000 dozen people all over this, why am I keep saying that I am, or that you are, or that he is or she is, It EATS? I have enough with his, all of you, get out. Don't come back until 5 oclock in my time with all of this re-done, every one last piece of it."

You all want to seat down? Please. We are not in the meeting today, one of us is not comfortable to stand. You have an agenda, that is me the brain inside my own agenda, we agree on that? There are the problems now all over the water body if not I imagine inside my brain space how we go about with this. I want a very quick say how you will re-done all of this and all of that. There is a logic how I wish to see where or how you had a background you saying that door you getting in from where I thought I written the previously this is how far we go, and how well you say, and I believe in you. All that is not on my time schedule, here are the shredding piece of all things, you don't have the power to glue them back as the ashes...if I am not burning that in hell that is what I am saying.

Out. you got until when my watch says here. I think I will put a clock on this front, you feeling like, you come back and check, per things hangs here. That may not be a clock, just a time sheet. I am not ready to hear any of this, or I am not cool enough to let down all this.

"I have a schedule to make today. Not the announcement all these tenous things how we have this far !#$!#$#!$#@!$@# - I hate every single bites of this, not just THAT. Can I get a cup of tea for this on the table, please? '

I run my schedule even to my personal maid kind, this is not the public says or the piece of paper glues somewhere you can tell, can I get a warning bell or this is the first day you are on the job, your name? A cup of tea, or a load of that stuffs on the table, just leave it there, when I throw out of all that, you make sure you know how mood I say I was, I cannot even express out of it. 滾~

Home Land Security

(He didn't say)

(He didn't specify, I Anna say)

He says he wants you to go to some of this concert and be happy. (I am the maid human here, he needs to go to sleep without any of this.)

(Your entire face line telling him you love those things happening all over the place, not limited to them. You breath, straight up your back, give yourself 5 mins just stand whenever you are about, breath, inhale and exhale, and run about anything in your hand. Breath. Yeah, you are happy all that, the celestial life. Its on the agenda schedule, your nerve tie, or too tie too. You love these stuffs, happy, happy life. )

No, I don't. 

My age line grow, my responsibility grown too. The TV says I am a piece of ice, no girls will volunteer to say that, so I tell you that before he shows up.

Right ...I am on my chair short but these water the taller guy has to bend to touch and see anything bite in there? 

haha....see, smile more.

It gonna hurts them more, you know that, right?


I am not like that, the line above the last....right.

I am not a lot of the other things too, you know that?







(Next page)

"I would like to express myself as thy myself how often we speak about this, often they all just run all over you right on top of your head, all the time never ending with this. What should I do?"

I have a problem you got any staff I need not vent anymore than the same thing. People literally run over my head or anyone near how this things be done, and its repeated in itself never ending by the way, you go another thing on your mind?

"How often I would say, you you you you you have no brainy, and IQ problem this will never be solved / solving the way you are the way you doing things, the way you putting through what file or the claim in that nature, you believe my brain is dead or you would not have asked me. "

First, none of you trying to ask me anymore. You realize that, or I grow on that weed? I need the things be solved, any suggestion? No, anything in my mind first.

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