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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Babaji the Department of the Patent office

"I would like to accolade all the workers whom grace to this one event in that big opening of the new office. Today I am coming here to grant you some of your wishes and treats (wave hand), that is all this brand new statues of thy thou Self statues. Probably some of you wonder why this is so grandly present in front of all of us, I also wonder that myself. To be saying the ordering of this such wonderous work, I indeed doubt that anyone could see what is being mark on top of all this brand new outfit of your uniform, or indeed you didn't tell me you are changing your uniform, and whom that is. (funny) It is without the doubt I have coming here to witness some of the grand opening of this closing venue to the brand new office, that indeed that I do be aware of such delicate works and personal staffs, no one coming here its to ask me first, or coming here to questing that teaching be in accordance to that I always, you come out of the first step, and you make the end at the circle round. That indeed I have given my detail description all this time, you have not done your jobs well and I am disappointed in you, all of you. For saying how well this will receive on my side or any side, its their probability calls upon why this thing standing over HERE, not at my own office? I indeed really do wonder why such statement even made it here. Let that all be joyful to witness this event, and such detail account over my mood is money dirty tricks. I hate all that. ALL THAT."

First of all, you got something in my way, your way. Second, this things is made of the money, with that color on it. Tell me the correct words you think inside your mind. Really. Thirds, while we have this toss and turn to where to flip the coin how this landing inside my office front or the back because you intend to say how big this office should be, never mine, one of this things coming to this circle of the end was a driving through, you mean I walk over here or there. I prepare some of the treats of that devoted heart from all your sincereity, that grand me that ever wish and tale, it was your very heart to me. I never doubts that you have the second heart to make this, you can see the details of that you yourself if one of you just coming out right now, standing next right by, far away from me, that way. Someone please took a photo, that telling me what I see here it was close enough to what things being formulate to each other, and that face better is not you, its how far I reach my vision or your own camera, can I have the camera after we done? 

To this venue of the new office without inviting me, meaning I need a brand new office included, you are telling me something I cannot or be aware all this time, someone come up and tell me which one of you did this the personal staffs to be this gracious, because I am not the first day standing here.  I try to make a point to tell you all this, you have all this things noted it down, in case re-done was one of those future my mood might be?

Not about the office, all of you. That is what things I cannot see clear, because its the dirty money on the first line of my speech, you didn't record or you didn't print it out a copy to me with a reply.

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