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SA (Legal Proceeding)

The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Babaji and the zoo

"Get the hell of the operator on the phone, NOW!"

How would I begin, I want a law, not just the lawful action over these pest if the shape becoming larger and larger.

"I would like to express my frustration and disappointment over this matter that harming our eyes and dignity stuffs, not just I am the God and none of them are. To that every graceful manner of the past event including the concert the human activities involved, to that unhappiness all fulfilled over this COVID 19 and the diseased spread, its so heart taken that the people's life lost, to never finding it the love again so the grieve over time supposes to be longer, not this prayer without the cold heart animal to screw up both me and her business in any tenuous nature that none of us got involved with ANYONE other than inside our own head. "

2 years has gone by, we all knowing it what time this is now. The very new beginning of my attention span sip through that New York City or Toronto office that sleek at that line, sorry New York City, because you all seen the movies scene, how is every Friday night the greatness of the perfect classmates and family all around about to that weep and sorrowful passing has hit you? Anyone? 

No particular says about the mood to when it can switch it on or off, when someone not periodic meant a message on my phone, or that is a cling sounds on the background, that 2 cents, not 10 sense, I might just knowing it, we are the post degree things, the post pandemic, they strategic formulate at the public hygenic laws, when? 1775 or 1789? The exact dates when that pandemic to vaccine were a cure in 1950 on, where that prove to be inside the legislation so they were planning in 1.5 years, or 2.5 years? I am just curious that I didn't have the mood because it has nothing to do with me type.

Throwing junks at the politician are not my life this far, but for saying the nobility to call upon the God, that did sounds a lot more holy and stagment of my own behavior was forever inept and intolerance this public media makes no noise be my own acquaintance, what would that suppose to mean? 

"All that I ever heard, will not be this incident. Not ALL THAT I HEARD. There are things inside the human mind when they perceive things, when they got disappointed over the justice be served their mind set get lower and few skin issue surface, that is all I can say right now."

Dealing upon...whatever dealing upon, my language runs shorts. People have a face front, so will all these things face in including the jurisdiction court over what the front being present, and behind were too high of the IQ starting in 1950. Everyone cannot accord, and none of this issues will be solved by people's imagination or the popularity how the driving of the justice will get anyone near that or that, if were not any other skillful side by, you never thought about how you pull yourself out of this conjunction Time indicate by a history artifact in the Vatican. You agree with all of this? I thought so.

"I have a several accord account I want to make for myself included. That has nothing to do with me, my tear runs low or my humility running thin what business I really have. One thing is naked in the military scale of all that being seen from the roof Top."

We are being threaten. You, in the large mass putting me on the photo deity to pray at. Some word is used to tell you a business form or lost the war. Some methods in degree of the rurmor makes my business thrive and naked will not be necessary the horizontal landing its intuitive to the mind outside the Earth or flat on the Earth crust ground - one thing for sure to tell you, its we convivence, and you don't, but you apparently thinking that God you yourself so you win the battle at the court, and so that less to say, how far you will really think or get far just like those showing you, the fantasy of the Disney were never naked enough for the business the air too thin or the air too cold. Me. MINE face.

"I have often speaking inside my teaching, love thy Self, love thee thigh Self. Meaning the height (the degree of height) to when you realize the degree of your mouthful, its because you can make a point in the court, not necessary to proven I Babaji worth or worthy not be seed under your command whenever you feel like....at all."

The medical practice of my face were just so flawless at my hand job at my nose, one of those you degree at the graduate were not that professional heighten makes the loaf of your realization less than say you your Self when you step your foot higher on the ground, its the footwear uncomfertable? Meaning regardless I care or don't care at all, you be seated on the ground without the ceiling, its whenever you feeling the worth that I am, or she is, or anyone will do in the Dream format will come come come? That is indeed that you ever do, right?"

"Indeed that I thought when you proceed your court room procedure in any format, including will be that Washington D.C, you didn't place upon your hope and dream in the wrong hand everyone does the wrong things to you. How come she never thought were everything wrong to her side to vent to me, but you have every side at her to my side? The Washington D.C has a lot of the bar door to where how they always been running things in those tenuous nature, and often that we seek out a method or a solution were not limited to our brain power to that every claim we say, this is how we get hurt, so the saint will never get hurt I am telling you, because that is the mature person does a mature things and everyone can SEE THAT, ALL THAT."

In running a thought to the court jurisdiction its not another day running on your period months or your fever stroke I am telling you when the age line coming it down all that hope were soak in the water or the justice be right on the surface water floating. Every thought to write, you meant its a literal claim, or the legal pursue, or the legal manner of that processing the paper work included lengthy time, you say, often.....or you mean the reason how you file, or intend to how to file, or intent that is a justice or the money sign. That degree is economic, not just the finance, you know what I mean? Traveling to that heart going up or down is not your norm, not in 10 thousand years your norm you never seeing what things going to or going through the Washington ONE DC City only. That is ridiculous, really.

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