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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...


Archive at that d site.

Under the medical history (Yesterday posts)

It will not happen.

The toilet doesn't need that much, because I clean every 2 or 3 days, one or 2 spray, my money. But I use the bathroom shower head and dragging over to the toilet to keep rinse all around. My height is not that giant like the guys. The pharmacy store at that Prince William side, the baby store there, they advertise right on the bottle. Its the Japanese foam formula. Why you know its an advertising? Because...its a sticker when you got home, you have to tear it down on every bottle.

Right now you hate the guys

Including seeing them buddy together if they 2 are healthy.

Outside, it will get worsen. You try to stay out of their business. To be honest....this is where you saying in 10 years, you keep looking at someone's money suppose to be yours, but you can get rid of all the TV just focus on the money to that studious things ought to be, God given you some supports, just every book memorize out? Its an exit out?

What if its a literally 1000 worlds, and what if, its not the modern education world, its AI or BIo-tech, one of those? What you gonna do? Staying out of people's business and mind only your eye sight where you should be?

Don't think, don't mind, don't care. Remember me UB facebook?


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