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The day....in Washington D.C Here . Unless you want me to draw to you?!     ___________                     ___________      \              ...



The descriptive line when you writing in the records or when you describing to the patients, you will have to use this visual side how you saying turning your body lateral side or where or which facing front, or the back. Your literally back, that any chiropractor has to learn or say it out loud. Otherwise that is not a real medical doctor?

Anterior or posterior ....Medial, when I was doing that liver flush, that is close to where I show you my drawing that time, the location where it trigger, very near has a word term. The upper behind your right side, if you twist your left arm all the way very top, right side of your spine, that points is hurting when your gallbladder is full packs with the stone. If you eat....I told you I hate eating. Its not the patient's chair's issue. Its forever your gallbladder issues. Any upper back pain. 

GI track is the digestion system, the structure I told you last time. That is not the system. That is the structure within the body being built to keep the system inside to keep you eating down the food to coming out of your anal, one long tubes from your throat down. And Liver / gallbaldder is the first part of the structure off your stomach or that valve, on the food right (upper body), depends how you imagine the water flows through.

No, it cannot float through, the body has the valve design.

The Digestion System

Its to break down the food you eat, and around this upper chest, you have a structure of this 橫膈膜 = Thoracic diaphragm), I think the first aid human they need to know that....I cannot do that. Its your breathing up, it goes down. The 2 ways opposite to each other. That is your anatomy, that is not your digestion system.

They are the bilateral species, meaning the medial line points its exactly the same, if you turn them side way, that is the lateral view just like we are the anterior or the posterior all over again without that kind of making noise sound or the background music.

They got the tail, is that the medial points, apparently we human is not that species, if you just check your Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Family, Order, Gene, Specie, we are called the homo sapiens, your Evolutionary Biology. 

Just mean that if you grab their throat or from the tail is totally, completely different reason might just looking at their Greek name in classification. That entire 7 names....in Greek just means the classification, in case you didn't know. 

That is the camera view.

Apparently a lot of the doctor office other than the office chair, they have this swing tool if they don't get too fat on it.  When Da Vinci was known that what he did in the basement to keep a notebook or whichever the notes passing it down the diagram, he has a section of that past to describe you - in today's art world, how they keep saying the golden ratio, including how they design a phone for your hands to hold that phone.

I am sure that Da Vinci has nothing to do with any of you. Its when I get to the year, that will be the first time I calculate the time exactly like Tesla's best pal friends in 1893. 

You cannot be that mid-age, when they told you anyone goes to the hospital, you die. They have no sanitation of the medical facility that time. People as long as they got to the hospital, they got infection to die. Why?

They got amputated, very often. 

That is the history of that part of the herbalist past they will describe you that, it may not be exactly using the Da Vinci history for saying the medical history, but part of that every household if the women on that block in American zoning land be attentive to the herbs usage, that will be part of the Dr. John R Christopher used to be somewhere saying all that, you talking about the WWI or the WWII military doctor if they kept all those records, and why you all MD 6+2, I am reading it all to you with my brain.

They have a goal, and I can tell you it didn't have any metals, for saying Atlantis artifact, as long as this 18th industrial revolution comes, or the worse, its the Tesla Era GE or the Westinghouse over this electricity, to have a measuring ruler, that can create the tools or the calibrate of cm, to mm.

You thinking how far today our 21th century, any medical equipment to the metallic tool can be created by the modern technology, there is a difference I keep saying to you, you have no metallic straight line measured by the rulers to give you ANY tool to use at those Atlantis or the Mu continent artifact land, just if you look at it.

You should have just be attentive everything I told you, on the Day 1. All of this. 5- 10 years you will realize, it was never 39 your time. Ever.

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